Can an HOA legally restrict yard signs?
Written by Craig B

Can an HOA legally restrict yard signs?

Whether a homeowners association (HOA) can legally restrict yard signs depends on various factors, including the HOA’s governing documents, state and local laws, and constitutional considerations. Here are some key points to consider:

  1. HOA Governing Documents: The HOA’s covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&R’s), as well as its bylaws and rules, typically outline the powers and limitations of the HOA board regarding property use, aesthetics, and signage. If the governing documents specifically prohibit or restrict yard signs, the HOA may have the authority to enforce those restrictions.
  2. State and Local Laws: Some states have laws that protect homeowners’ rights to display certain types of signs, including political signs, for-sale signs, or religious signs, regardless of HOA rules. Additionally, local zoning ordinances or sign regulations may impact the HOA’s ability to restrict yard signs.
  3. Constitutional Considerations: Restrictions on the content of signs may implicate First Amendment free speech rights. Courts have sometimes struck down HOA sign restrictions that are deemed overly broad or discriminatory based on content. However, restrictions that are content-neutral and serve a legitimate purpose, such as maintaining aesthetics or preventing safety hazards, may be upheld.
  4. Reasonableness and Enforcement: Even if an HOA has the authority to regulate yard signs, its rules must be reasonable and uniformly enforced. Arbitrary or selective enforcement of sign regulations could invite legal challenges from homeowners.
  5. Amendment Procedures: Homeowners typically have the ability to amend the HOA’s governing documents through a vote of the membership. If homeowners disagree with sign restrictions, they may pursue efforts to amend the CC&R’s or bylaws to allow for greater flexibility regarding yard signs.

It’s essential for homeowners to review their HOA’s governing documents, consult with legal counsel if necessary, and understand their rights and obligations regarding yard signs. Likewise, HOA boards should carefully consider the legal implications and community interests when establishing or enforcing sign regulations.

Business Signs Costs 2024
Written by Craig B

Business Signs Costs 2024

The cost of business signs can vary widely depending on a number of factors, including the size, type, material, and complexity of the sign. However, I can give you a general idea of what to expect.

Small signs: Small signs, such as yard signs or window decals, can cost as little as $50 or $100.

Medium signs: Medium signs, such as storefront signs or hanging signs, can cost anywhere from $500 to $5,000.

Large signs: Large signs, such as pylon signs or billboards, can cost tens of thousands of dollars or even more.

Size: The larger the sign, the more it will cost.

  • Type of sign: Some types of signs, such as digital signs, are more expensive than others.
  • Material: The material used to make the sign will also affect the cost. For example, metal signs are more expensive than plastic signs.
  • Complexity: Signs with more complex designs will cost more than simple signs.
  • Installation: The cost of installation will vary depending on the size and complexity of the sign.

If you are considering getting a business sign, it is important to get quotes from several different sign companies before making a decision. You should also be sure to factor in the cost of permits and installation when budgeting for your sign.

  • Storefront signs: These are the most common type of business sign, and they can range in price from $200 to $5,000 or more. The cost will depend on the size of the sign, the materials used, and whether or not the sign is illuminated.
  • Channel letter signs: These signs are made of individual letters that are mounted to a backing. They are more expensive than storefront signs, but they are also more durable and eye-catching. Channel letter signs can cost anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 or more.
  • Pylon signs: These are tall, freestanding signs that are often used by businesses that are located off the beaten path. Pylon signs can be very expensive, costing anywhere from $10,000 to $50,000 or more.
  • Monument signs: These are large, permanent signs that are often made of brick, stone, or concrete. Monument signs are the most expensive type of business sign, and they can cost anywhere from $25,000 to $100,000 or more.

For a more specific breakdown of our business signs cost, contact Davis Signs & Graphics today at (480) 945-0916.

The Right Tagline
Written by Craig B

Do Commercial Signs Require Planning Permission?

Whether commercial signs require planning permission depends on several factors, including local zoning regulations, the size and type of sign, and the specific location where the sign will be placed. Planning permission requirements vary from one jurisdiction to another, and it’s essential to check with your local planning or zoning authority to determine the rules and regulations that apply in your area. However, here are some general guidelines:

  1. Size and Type of Sign: Many jurisdictions have specific regulations regarding the size and type of commercial signs that can be installed without planning permission. Small signs, such as nameplates or signs on shop windows, may not require planning permission in some areas. However, larger signs or those with special features (e.g., illuminated signs, billboards) are more likely to require permission.
  2. Location: The location of the sign can also affect whether planning permission is required. Signs placed in designated commercial or business zones may have different rules than those placed in residential areas or historic districts.
  3. Design and Aesthetics: Some jurisdictions have guidelines for the design and aesthetics of commercial signs, especially in areas with specific architectural or historic preservation considerations. Compliance with these guidelines may be a requirement for obtaining planning permission.
  4. Temporary Signs: Temporary signs, such as banners or signs for special events, may have different regulations than permanent signs. Temporary signs may be subject to specific time limits and restrictions.
  5. Signage on Vehicles: In some areas, signage on vehicles, such as company logos and advertising, may be regulated differently than signs attached to buildings. This is known as “vehicle signage” or “mobile advertising.”
  6. Signage in Home-Based Businesses: If you run a business from your home, there may be restrictions on the size and type of signs you can use to promote your business, even if it’s a home-based business.
  7. Historic Districts: Signs in historic districts are often subject to more stringent regulations to preserve the historic character of the area. Planning permission may be required for any sign changes in these districts.
  8. Illuminated Signs: Illuminated signs, such as neon signs or LED displays, may have specific regulations related to lighting, brightness, and energy efficiency.

To determine whether planning permission is required for a commercial sign, it’s essential to contact your local planning or zoning authority or consult the municipal code and regulations that apply to your specific location. Violating signage regulations can result in fines and the removal of the sign, so it’s crucial to ensure compliance with local rules before installing or modifying any commercial signage.

Making business signs noticeable is crucial for attracting customers and effectively promoting your business. Here are several tips to help ensure your business signs grab attention and leave a lasting impression:

  1. Choose the Right Location:
    • Place your signs where they will be easily seen by your target audience. Consider factors like foot traffic, vehicle traffic, and visibility from nearby roads or intersections.
  2. Size and Legibility:
    • Ensure that the size of your sign is appropriate for its location. It should be large enough to be easily read from a distance. Use legible fonts and avoid overly decorative or complex styles.
  3. Contrast and Color:
    • Use high-contrast colors to make your sign stand out. Contrast between text and background helps with readability. Choose colors that align with your brand and are visually appealing.
  4. Simplicity and Clarity:
    • Keep your message concise and to the point. A cluttered sign with too much information can overwhelm viewers. Focus on the essential details, such as your business name, logo, and a brief message.
  5. Eye-Catching Design:
    • Invest in professional design or graphics that are visually appealing and align with your brand identity. A well-designed sign can make a significant difference in attracting attention.
  6. Lighting:
    • If possible, use lighting to illuminate your sign, especially for signs that are displayed at night. Backlit signs, neon signs, or LED lighting can make your sign visible in low-light conditions.
  7. Use Imagery:
    • Incorporate relevant images, graphics, or your logo to enhance the visual appeal of your sign. A well-placed image can help convey your message and brand identity.
  8. Motion and Animation:
    • In some cases, animated or moving signs can be attention-grabbing. However, use motion sparingly, as overly animated signs can become distracting.
  9. Position and Placement:
    • Make sure your sign is positioned at eye level and at a comfortable viewing angle. Ensure it’s not obstructed by other objects or foliage.
  10. Regular Maintenance:
    • Keep your sign clean, well-maintained, and free from damage. Faded or damaged signs can give a negative impression of your business.
  11. Consistency:
    • Use consistent branding and design elements across all your signage to create a unified and easily recognizable brand image.
  12. Local Regulations:
    • Be aware of local regulations and permit requirements for outdoor signs. Ensure that your sign complies with zoning and sign codes.
  13. Social Media and QR Codes:
    • Consider including social media handles or QR codes on your sign to direct viewers to your online presence for additional information or promotions.
  14. Test and Get Feedback:
    • Before finalizing your sign design, gather feedback from employees, customers, or focus groups. Test the sign’s visibility from different angles and distances.

Remember that the effectiveness of your business sign is a combination of design, placement, and message. The goal is to create a sign that not only grabs attention but also conveys your brand and message clearly to your target audience.

Cleaning VInyl Banners
Written by Craig B

Best Banner Materials

Banner material can make a big impact on the impression a customer has of your business. Read on to learn more.

The Look

Your choice of banner material impacts design aesthetics. Canvas banners, for example, are printed on white woven polyester fabric that features a non-reflective finish for a flat, matte look. This look works well in upscale environments with plenty of lighting, whether natural or artificial. You have more options when it comes to large banner printing. White matte vinyl banners feature high-grade front lit vinyl with PVC coating. Don’t be fooled by the matte finish; these banners can promote bright, attention-getting designs on their smooth surfaces. White mesh vinyl banners feature a rugged texture due to their mesh makeups, which can lend itself to rugged designs. Biodegradable vinyl banners are similar to white matte vinyl banners, with the added eco-friendly benefit of being compo-stable in landfills. Despite their differences, just about any design can look fantastic on any of these banner materials. That said, banners printed for trade shows and conferences – particularly in which viewers will be up-close – should avoid mesh material because it’s easy to see through from short distances. Banners viewed from a distance of more than a few feet, however, can look great printed on either vinyl or canvas. As you’re about to see, environment is far more important to banner material selection.


Both vinyl and canvas banners are great for indoor use (though, as mentioned, vinyl banners are see-through up-close), and both perform well in fair outdoor weather. If your banners will be outdoors for long periods or placed in harsh, windy, rainy weather conditions, however, mesh vinyl is the top-performer. Its mesh composition allows wind to pass through banners without tearing and it won’t be weakened by rain. However, mesh banners do not perform well in extreme cold, which can make the material brittle. White matte vinyl, biodegradable vinyl, and canvas banners can withstand cold conditions but not other harsh weather. If you plan to use your banner for a long time, especially outdoors, biodegradable vinyl should be avoided as it will eventually break down.

Best Material?

The best banner material depends on how and where you’ll place your banners. Canvas, biodegradable vinyl, and white matte vinyl are excellent choices for indoor banners. Canvas and white matte vinyl are great for cold outdoor conditions – but not wind and rain. White mesh vinyl is best for windy, rainy, harsh outdoor weather. The best banner material, then, is the one that looks great and lasts a long time in its environment; longevity increases ROI, whether you’re leaving a banner outside for months or reusing your banner for speaking engagements and trade shows. Use the information in this post to make an informed banner material choice that will help your business grow and profit.

Written by Davis Signs & Graphics

Business Signs for Buildings

Types of Business Signs for Buildings

When it comes to business signs for buildings the variety is overwhelming. For this reason, it can be a challenging task to decide which is the type of business sign that you need for your building. Below is an overview of various options and types of business signs you can have on your business.

Fabric Signs

Fabric signs are often a budget friendly option. It is an option that is unique and colorful. However, it is the type of sign that needs replacement and upkeep. For heavy-duty and fade-resistant fabric, you should expect to pay more. The nylon, plastic and vinyl banners will cost you less when buying the fabric.

Painted Glass

If you are in search of a budget-friendly, yet a distinctive and attractive option, you can have your windows as the canvas with vinyl signs. Regardless of your sign complexity and design, all you will pay for is the installation. The only disadvantage for this type of business sign for buildings is minimized street visibility. This is because the glare of the sun reduces the design visibility with time.

Metal Logo and Lettering

Metal signs are effective business signs for buildings. This is because the signs are three dimensional and they come with shadows that enhance the sign texture and impression. The price of this sign installation depends on the type of metal used and the size of letters used on the sign. To attract a lot of attention to your business, it is recommendable that you get the sign lighted. This is especially if you offer your services at night. The lighting will be an extra expense but it is worth it.

Painted Plywood Sign

This is a personalized and simple business sign on your building which is creative and affordable as well. The plywood is affordable and the charges of installation depend on who is handling the task. The cost of installation depends on the font size choice, the size of the sign and the paint type to be used on the sign. High-quality plywood materials like cherry and oak will need you to spend a little more money for the material. The downside of this type of sign is that it is subject to weather damage. However, you can choose to replace it frequently.

Other types of business signs for buildings include;

· Building wraps

· Awning signs

· Metal sign band

· Lighted signs

From the above options of business signs, you should choose the one that suits your best interests. Inform the world who you are using a great business sign for buildings. This will greatly highlight your presence as well as promote your unique business identity and brand.